Wednesday, April 10, 2013

hunger game

lepak kedai radhi coner kat usj 4, they have the best mushroom gravy there. if nak compare dgn makan place around subang area lah. as usual lah aku bawak wewe si kental as usual aku order teh o ais. official malaysian drinks. and order chicken chop dua. bukan aku makan dua. ish. aku makan satu je. then abang tu boleh tanya "makan eh?" dengan muka xberfikir sebelum tanya. aku apa lagi perut dah lapar. " eh xlah bang saya nak buang" xde sebarang bunyi kedengaran. abng muka seolah meneran benda keras. sorry ah bang. eden tak sengajo.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

dont knw why

i really dont understand myself now. why. what happend. i keep on thingking bout that one specific person so much lately. after so long i tried not to. how can tht one person effect you so much. ill be happy to see you smile. ill be worry to knw your sigh. i get jelous.i miss you so damn much. if i could turn back time ill make sure i wont make the same mistakes. hoping that the old you must still be there somewhere. the one tht can make me smile in just a second. the one that time seems to be moving so fast to be with.the one that i would cross an ocean for. the one ill stand up for.the perfect, sweetheart and loving person to the stupid, boring,lame me. but why nw, i thought theres no more. i tried so hard to use time to forget. my heart is just too weak. keep on reminding myself that theres no more me in you just to get through the day. your smile is not mine anymore. but why still i cant stop thingking about you. why is heart so stupid and stubborn. ill just continue life. as the same. and i just realize it now. that how much effort ive done to win your heart before ended up with that much effort i hve to putt in now to forget you. please bare with me heart.